The Challenge

BVH was celebrating its 50th Anniversary and ask us to sit in on a meeting to discuss how they were going to commemorate this milestone. They brainstormed fancy dinners, employee perks and video stories as ways to celebrate. We had one question – “What would happen if BVH didn’t exist? Would people notice?” We wanted to know why they wanted to celebrate, because understanding why would set the tone for the entire project.

The Approach

Instead of spending the time and money to put on a an event to commemorate 50 years, we pitched a concept. We thought, why not celebrate by proving to the community that design matters? The team grabbed a hold of this idea and we developed the branding, website and videos for Design That - a community project that identifies and solves problems with design. The project not only spoke to and celebrated the past 50 years of BVH, but sets the tone for the next 50 years by showing the community why BVH exists.

StoryHook did a great job facilitating conversation and extracting ideas from our team. They challenged my initial preconceptions about the power a brand can have on communicating the overall intention of an organization or initiative … They are great storytellers who genuinely care about the success of your project.

Ryan Hier - Architect

StoryHook is not bound by conventional ideas or processes. They tailored their service to match our expectations which resulted in a campaign that imbued BVH. They guided the process well, speaking candidly when they had to and softly when the gentle nudge was all we needed. We are thankful they matched and, at times, elevated our rigor and passion.

– Mark Bacon, Design Director & Senior Associate
BVH Architecture